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Why you need to rent now!

From the Mak Family... This year for Father's Day, we tried something different! Instead of just having a large meal with the extended family, we decided to go bowling with NTM and his cousins. I haven't bowled in about a decade, but it slowly came back to me. It was definitely a lot more fun than just stuffing our faces at a buffet, which we ended up doing afterwards anyway. I think this...

Real Estate – May 2023

From the Mak Family... Soccer, Soccer, Soccer! NTM made it on his school's soccer team and so we recently got the chance to watch him play in a tournament, where their school placed first! It's been a pretty busy month since we also enrolled him into Summer house-league soccer and he still plays on the Rep team. On his Rep team, I would say he's probably in the middle - not the best player on...

Real Estate – April 2023

From the Mak Family... Happy Mother's Day! I hope everyone had an amazing Mother's Day. We celebrated by going to a scrumptious buffet with our family at Niagara on the Lake. We were all quite full from the meal and it was a gorgeous day for some family photos! .stk-95939c9{margin-bottom:0px !important} The Toronto Real Estate Market In April 2023, the average home sold for...

Our House Buying Story (Part #1)

From the Mak Family... How I saved 3 hours a week! NTM plays Rep Soccer so like many sports, that comes with a lot of time commitment for both himself and the parents! That's 1 game and 2 practices every week. (And in the Summer Soccer Season, there are 3 practices!) We love watching him play the games, but honestly, many practices are just running drills and scrimmages. So when a friend...

Real Estate (March 2023) – Interview with Chris Molder

From the Mak Family... Recently, I saw a post from a friend who just donated blood. I realized I hadn't donated blood in more than 20 years and decided to book an appointment. The process was surprisingly easy and painless. I went to my local donation center, answered some questions about my health history and then a trained medical professional took my vitals and then drew my blood. The best...

Should you Sell your Rental Property?

From the Mak Family... We had a lot of fun over March Break! NTM was invited to his first ever Leaf's game at Scotia Arena.   It was also my first game and we were really excited to be there. Throughout the week, NTM had fun playing board games at a local cafe and staying over at his cousin's house. On Friday, we decided to go to Buffalo for some cross-border shopping.  But alas,...

Real Estate – March 2023

From the Mak Family... Last weekend, I had to wake-up at “Stupid O'Clock." That's the fun name we give to the early morning games we have for his Clarkson Soccer Rep team.  It's still “stupid” because it's still dark out and everyone is dead tired! Sure, it's a lot of work to drive him to practice or games, but you know what?  In a few years, we'll probably miss these memories. As the...

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