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Foreigners banned from Buying Homes January 1st!

From the Mak Family... One of the presents I got for my birthday this year was a pass for indoor skydiving at iFly! If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend trying it out as both NTM and myself had a lot of fun! .stk-95939c9{margin-bottom:0px !important} Foreign Buyers Ban on January 1, 2023! There are new laws which will affect foreign buyers in Ontario. On October 25, 2022,...

Real Estate – November 2022

From the Mak Family... This year for Hallowe'en, NTM decided to design his own costume. He gave us a list of things to buy and then made his "robber" costume by himself! He had a lot of fun going around the neighbourhood with his school friends.  I'm not sure how many more years he'll be doing this, but we're glad he took the initiative and had a lot of fun. .stk-95939c9{margin-bottom:0px...

Are We Helicopter Parents?

From the Mak Family... NTM asked if he could go to Tim Horton's with his friends during the lunch-break. We want him to be more independent, but at the same time, who knows what mischief he could get into? So we coincidentally were at the exact same Tim Horton's at the exact same time! :) .stk-95939c9{margin-bottom:0px !important} The Toronto Real Estate Market In September 2022, the...

The Fall Market begins!

From the Mak Family... With the new school year comes a new school! NTM is really growing up and we are so proud of how independent he has become: making his own lunches and biking to school by himself.  I'm sure he'll make a lot of new friends both at school and with his soccer team! .stk-95939c9{margin-bottom:0px !important} The Toronto Real Estate Market In August 2022, the...

Summer is almost over!

A quick note from the Mak Family... After a season on the bench training hard with the Clarkson Rep team, we are so proud that NTM was "called up" to play in a few of their end-of-season games. This is the first season he's played with any Rep team. Usually he would play house league soccer or baseball with just one practice and one game per week. The level of commitment is so much higher with...

Should you Rent or Sell?

The Toronto Rental Market Results for the 2nd Quarter are finally in! For condos in Toronto C01: 1-bedroom condos rented for $2,373 / month 2-bedroom condos rented for $3,319 / month 3-bedroom condos rented for $4,471 / month There are a lot of reasons for this upward trend. Interest rates are up so it's harder for many renters to afford their first home. There are also supply...

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