With an average price of $932,222 across the GTA, there was an increase of +11.3% compared to last year.
With an average price of $932,222 across the GTA, there was an increase of +11.3% compared to last year.
The average home in Toronto sold for $955,615, which is up 13.3% up from last year. The average price is up, but condos are worth -3% less than last year.
With an average price of $968,318 across the GTA, there was an increase of +13.6% compared to last year.
With an average price of $968,318 across the GTA, there was an increase of +13.6% compared to last year.
With an average price of $930,869 across all types of houses in the GTA, there was an increase of +11.8% compared to last year.
With an average price of $863,599 across all types of houses in the GTA, there was an increase of -4.3% compared to last year.
With an average price of $821,392 across all types of houses in the GTA, there was an increase of +0.1% compared to last year.
March 2020 - Toronto Real Estate Report
SAARS Outbreak Effects Mississauga Homes Toronto Condos Selling Prices in the Greater Toronto Area Oakville Homes – All Types Oakville Detached Homes Lorne Park Sales Lorne Park 4 Bedroom Homes If you have any questions about the real estate market, please call or text Lawrence at (416) 276-4895. Please follow...
Mississauga Homes Toronto Condos Selling Prices in the Greater Toronto Area Oakville Homes – All Types Oakville Detached Homes Lorne Park Sales Lorne Park 4 Bedroom Homes If you have any questions about the real estate market, please call or text Lawrence at (416) 276-4895. Please follow us on:Facebook:...